
环境准备·windows10_x64_pro·python-3.8.5-amd64.exe·openhardwaremonitor.dll,来至开源软件,找不到可以支持下我发布的资源·配置python-3.8.5,默认 ...,OpenHardwareMonitor.Contributetoopenhardwaremonitor/openhardwaremonitordevelopmentbycreatinganaccountonGitHub.,openhardwaremonitor是一个开源的免费软件,openhardwaremonitor支持当今主板上的大多数硬件监视芯片。可以通过读取Intel和AMD处理器的核心温度 ...,...

【 实测可用】Windows10 + Python3.8.5 + openhardwaremonitor ...

环境准备 · windows10_x64_pro · python-3.8.5-amd64.exe · openhardwaremonitor.dll ,来至开源软件,找不到可以支持下我发布的资源 · 配置python-3.8.5 ,默认 ...

Open Hardware Monitor

Open Hardware Monitor. Contribute to openhardwaremonitor/openhardwaremonitor development by creating an account on GitHub.


open hardware monitor是一个开源的免费软件, open hardware monitor 支持当今主板上的大多数硬件监视芯片。可以通过读取Intel和AMD处理器的核心温度 ...

OpenHardwareMonitor 建構函式(Iot.Device.HardwareMonitor)

命名空間: Iot.Device.HardwareMonitor. 組件: Iot.Device.Bindings.dll. 套件: Iot.Device.Bindings v1.1.0. 套件: Iot.Device.Bindings v1.2.0. 套件: Iot.Device.

OpenHardwareMonitor 類別(Iot.Device.HardwareMonitor)

命名空間: Iot.Device.HardwareMonitor. 組件: Iot.Device.Bindings.dll. 套件: Iot.Device.Bindings v1.1.0. 套件: Iot.Device.Bindings v1.2.0. 套件: Iot.Device.

Open Hardware Monitor

The Open Hardware Monitor is a free open source software that monitors temperature sensors, fan speeds, voltages, load and clock speeds of a computer.


The free Open Hardware Monitor software runs on Microsoft Windows with the .NET Framework version 4.5 and above. On Linux systems the Open Hardware Monitor ...

Using Open Hardware Monitor Source Code DLL With C#

Integrating the HWMonitor DLL with Visual Studio / C# · 1. Download Visual Studio · 2. Install & Open Visual Studio · 3. Start a New C# Project. Integrating the HWMonitor DLL... · Example Code... · Breaking down the Code

How to use OpenHardwareMonitor .dll?

I'm trying to get status data of my processor on the local machine. I found several tutorials online, but no one of them covers the error I'm getting.

C# 取得CPU 平均溫度利用OpenHardwareMonitor.dll - 部落格

利用Open Hardware Monitor 這套軟體,這套軟體可以取得MB、CPU、RAM 溫度及風扇轉速,所以只需要參考 OpenHardwareMonitor.dll 就可以取得您要的資料了!